Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Top article marred by half an error.

This has the makings of one of the top articles of the week: home grown journalism, about a local player, on the global scene, in an exotic location, with a hint of vice...and so it rivetingly continues.

Then suddenly an error leaps out of this SMH article: "Crown Melco ... assisted Amax raise $HK2 billion"
Huh? There’s at least a missing “in” + “ing” here. Oh, and I've lost my place. Train of thought gone too. Now where was I?

However, the same article in The Age is correct with: "Crown Melco ... helped Amax raise $HK2 billion".
So if you habitually read both papers it's merely half

Check out the SMH article with error here: http://www.smh.com.au/business/macaus-seedy-casino-war-turns-to-gold-20090921-fyn5.html
and the correct Age article here: http://www.theage.com.au/business/hard-men-reign-in-packers-dream-city-20090921-fym8.html

1 comment:

  1. thought you might enjoy these two from Fairfax WAToday site:

    firstly a crime story clearly got from the police media office. reportere can't be arsed to visit teh crime scene or get a photo, so published a Google map of where the incident occurred, which would be the sum total of research undertaken for the story.


    secondly: 'woman almost stabbed.'

    it speaks for itself



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